See This?? Ran really hard to get the medal. Ran the 21.1km in 2:24 Hr.. God it seems like forever when you run. But it was ok when I was running. The pain only came after I completed the run. My left knee hurts.. haha eh, ya that's all. BUT, I cant walk properly now, cos it really hurts la! Many thanks to Jun Yan who kept pushing me on. And his lousy calculations of our timing, cos he kept me thinking that we were only 10 min ahead of the required time. For god's sake, I think we were lk 50 mins ahead of time! And so we ran and ran. Haha you know what kept me going on?? I wanted this medal so very badly, cos I've never ran a half marathon before. So I wanted something to show for it. Oh and there were quite a few girls who ran 21km too... haha it's an ego thing. You simply can't stop in front of those girls.. gonna show them what I'm made of! Hahaz Feeling tired and lazy now...

Front of medal

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