When we stepped in, I knew I wore the right footwear. Too bad for zz. haha

Remember Troy? The big wooden horse? Yea this's my ice horse =)))
Me atop an ice tower. Feels like glass!
A car, a pretty girl and me! haha 'cool' ride here.
Under the Taj Mahal.

ZZ under the Taj Mahal. Red riding hood. hahaha
ZZ with the Sleeping Buddha! On gd terms with each other ;)
Really had fun today. Was glad to finally go out and just relax. Thanks zz for ur wonderful company. Haha... took many many photos and then we went to Siam Kitchen for our dinner. Had a nice dinner.. Then we just chatted about relationships, gals, guys, and our very 'Clever' past. haha it's in the past! "peak at wrong time.." ;)
BAH. spoiler!
I'll go there next week i guess.
hey gary,
yeah that's right, keep your head above water and u'll be fine =)
just keep going..!
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